Important notice regarding corresponding authorships in MTMT2:
When copying the records from Scopus, corresponding authorship in MTMT2 is no longer automatically included as the MTMT defined corresponding authorship - these have to be set manually one by one.
2025 updates:
- Initial release of the OpenAlex based analysis page with almost 1 million researchers in the reference cohort.
- The institutes tab now enables the filtering for Q1 ranked publications only.
- The download table function was added to the OpenAlex subsystem.
- The SJR database was updated with the most recent (2023) version of journal ranking from SCImago in the OpenAlex and Scopus subsystems.
2024 updates:
- The institutes tab now enables the manual selection of scientific area for the institutes as well.
- The Lifetime best rank now shows the years when the given rank was reached by the researcher. Note that the computation does not include high-impact papers (because we do not have the yearly reference dataset for setting the cutoff values). Thus, the Lifetime best rank is intended for explorative analysis only.
- The Lifetime plots have been redesigned for a more compact display of the results.
- A database selector popup window has been added to the homepage with "Scopus" as the default setting.
- New experimental feature: lifetime best rank is now provided in the Lifetime tab (only in the Scopus version).
- The number of high-impact papers has been removed from the Lifetime tab.
- The entire system was moved to a new, faster server computer.
- The global page uses now percentile tables instead of raw scientometric tables. This feature results in a shorter analysis time.
- The maximal number of years in the "Decrease researcher age" option has been increased to 10 years.
- The database behind the global system has been extended and includes now 507,201 researchers.
- The "Timeline" menu has been renamed to "Lifetime" to better reflect its utility.
- Initial release of the global analysis page (accessible at with more than 100.000 researchers in the reference cohort.
- Updated search engine can now retrieve any researcher from Scopus.
- The /Hungary analysis page was removed due to obsolescence (the analysis is possible in the /global page).
- The researchers can now be assigned to 18 scientific fields on the global analysis page.
- A short guide was added on how to merge Scopus IDs.
2023 updates:
- We started to establish a "global" reference database with the aim of including more than 100.000 researchers from across the globe.
- The "Information" tab now provides more description about the setup and function of
- The author list can now be included in the Institutional publication list.
- The complete list of all MTMT institutions has been updated in the Institutions tab.
- A bug of missing "proportion of independent citations for first/last-authored publications" has been corrected.
- A beta version of the self-improvement score has been added to the system.
- The May 2023 snapshot was generated and can be accessed from the link at the top of the analysis page.
- The cutoff for old MTMT accounts has been set to 2017-12-31.
- The download table option now includes journal ranks in the Scopus analysis page.
- A bug of incorrectly determining publication type in the Scopus analysis page has been corrected.
- The bug of broken MTMT links when directly accessing the page was corrected.
- The entire analysis can now be done using data directly from SCOPUS as well. Note that in this case the reference database also uses SCOPUS data only. Please see the "Information" tab regarding differences between the MTMT and SCOPUS versions.
- In the "Information" tab, you can now download anonymized reference tables with updated 2022 data.
- The English quick start guide was updated to include discipline names as well.
- Major universities can now be directly selected in the "Institutes" tab.
- Our paper describing the benefit of the portal for grant reviewers has been accepted for publication in PLoS One. For more information see the "Publications" tab.
- The reference databases have been updated with the 2022 publication data of all included researchers.
- The number of high-impact papers is now determined for (a selected set of) institutions. Authorship order is not taken into account when identifying institutional high-impact publications.
- The researcher dropdown now includes the full name of the scientific disciplines.
- The homepage descriptions and menu items were updated based on user feedback to increase clarity.
- From 1.1.2023, personal database support is provided by Zsuzsanna Makovsky.
2022 updates:
- Our paper describing the portal has been accepted for publication in Methodology, the official journal of the European Association of Methodology. For more information see the "Publications" tab.
- Computing institutional H-index is available as a new feature in the "Institutes" menu.
- A bug in the institutional download page was corrected.
- The Y-axis has been updated to show more values in all plots.
- A colorblind-friendly version of the system is now installed (when needed, please enable it in the Options menu).
- Our new manuscript about scientometric achievements before and after Ph.D. was published in PLoS One. For more details, please see the Publications tab.
- The system analysis time was reduced by almost 40% by processing the JSON files instead of XML files.
- The cutoff for old MTMT accounts has been set to 2016-12-31.
- The MTMT data download has been updated.
- A lecture about was added to the information tab.
- For each publication, the number of pages is now listed in the downloaded tables.
- A permalink has been added to the Ranks tab.
- The Ranks tab was streamlined to focus on the analysis results and the percentages and numbers can be made visible by the "Show details" button.
- The "Download table" export function now automatically renames the file according to the researcher/institute name.
- The apache & shiny server timeouts were increased to avoid preliminary closure of server connections.
- The entire reference database was updated using the MTMT status as of January 1st, 2022.
- ELKH institutes are now available as a separate dropdown list in the Institutes tab.
- The 2021 March snapshot has been replaced by the 2022 January snapshot.
- Institutional data can now be filtered according to year and publication type (Q-ranked papers).
- Aggregate data for institutes can now be downloaded from the Database tab.
- Graphical update of the analysis interface.
2021 updates:
- The Download table option now lists either Journal or Publisher names for each publication.
- The Options menu now enables to apply a correction to the researcher's age.
- A delay was added to the page load script to solve certain cases when the page got freeze during loading in case the user clicked on pre-loaded buttons.
- A bug of missing the scientific section after using the import values option is now corrected.
- A bug of incorrectly displaying the citation count after adjusting the Options menu has been corrected.
- Career-long percentile of total citation based on an international scale (using data published in Ioannidis et al, PLoS Biology, 2019) has been added to the Ranks page.
- Citation structure analysis is now a user-initiated analysis in the Ranks page
- the 2021 papers (publications in the ongoing calendar year) are now also included in the "Download table".
- the Hm-index has been removed due to confusion about its application.
- the graphical setup of the Ranks page has been updated.
- year has been replaced with "calendar year" to reflect actual computation parameters.
- the self-citation rate has been added to the Developmental parameters. Self-citation rate = n dependent / n independent. With high proportions of self-citations, we advise against using any citation metrics since high rates of self-citation may herald also other spurious features (for more details on self-citation see Ioannidis JPA et al., PLoS Biol, 2019).
- the multicitation rate has been added to the Developmental parameters. Multicitation rate = proportion of independent citations citing more than two publications from this author. High values may point to "citation farms" (for more details on multicitation see Ioannidis JPA et al., PLos Biol, 2019).
- the S-index has been added to the developmental parameters. S = the H index using dependent citations only.
- the Hm-index has been added to the developmental parameters. Hm = the H index modified for multi-authored manuscripts using Schreiber's method.
- the reference database, including the H-index, citation, and publication tables have been updated by re-processing all researchers
- a new block for developmental parameters was implemented, showing the mean number of authors, the H-index using independent citations only, and the proportion of citations received for first/last authored publications (in relevant scientific sections only)
- article plot header for section IX was updated to include "Q ranked" publications
- a bug leading to sudden freeze when selecting a researcher with no eligible publication was corrected
- the "Import values for custom search." button has been added enabling the rapid assessment of changes in the investigated values (e.g. what is the effect of a two-year maternity break? how would the ranking change with an additional Q1 ranked paper? how would these values score in another scientific discipline?)
- the publication age is corrected and accounts for complete years only (with the exception of high-impact publications)
- a filter has been added to the download table to include only confirmed authorships
- the number of authors is now listed for each publication in the downloadable table
- the first publication is now based on the first scientific publication (non-scientific publications are omitted)
- the Science tab now displays the change of ranking over time
- because of low interest we cancel our project planned to evaluate the effects of maternity (only 15 researchers provided data and there was no single entry for the control group)
- an option was added to load a random researcher for the non-personal visualization of the analysis results
- the downloadable data table has been converted to a CSV file
- the Database tab has been updated to use publication age instead of biological age
- the server idle timeout has been set to 1 hour
- only Q ranked papers are used in section IX, but no filtering is made for Q1 rank
- the portal has been set up
- the first version using the "Publication age" as starting point has been established
- the "Excellence score" has been renamed to "High impact score"
- a March 2021 snapshot of the entire analysis portal has been established
- the algorithm does not freeze anymore because of empty XML files
- the download table now also includes the dependent and independent citation counts
- the download table in the Ranks tab now also includes the Excellence publications
- RIS files have been added for each cited reference
- the data processing is now parallelized, which prevents the bug of incorrectly displaying a different downloadable data file in case another process performs computation at the same time
- the calculation of the Excellence publications has been updated to omit filtering based on authorship position in sections I, II, III, and IX
- the complete list of all eligible publications from the last five years included in the analysis is now available for download in the Ranks tab
- URL-based automatic processing added to the analysis platform
2020 updates:
- we introduced the "Researcher rank", which assigns researchers to deciles (D1-D10, D1 is the best)
- the weight of Excellence publications can be adjusted in the Options menu (default = 4)
- the Ranks tabs show visually the composition of the final score
- in sections I, II, and IX the reference to the Q-ranked publications has been removed from axis titles
- instead of loading pre-computed data for each researcher, the analysis is run in real time using data directly downloaded from the HSWA site (MTMT)
- the anonymized reference databases can be downloaded from the homepage
- in sections I, II, and IX following publications are included: journal article, book, book chapter, conference proceeding, conference abstract, monograph, reference article, reference guide
- the H-index is computed using all citing publications (dependent and independent)
- the reference database was expanded to include 13,700 researchers
- small graphical corrections (e.g. axis titles, text on homepage, downloadable document)
- in sections IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, and XI the corresponding author publications are regarded as first/last author publications
- filtering using the PhD date is discontinued
- in sections I, II, III, and IX weighting using the authorship order (first/last) is discontinued
- for first/last publications the divided authorships are also included
- we introduced the "Excellence publications", which includes publications cited in the top 10% within their discipline
- the H-index uses only the independent citations
- in sections I, II, and IX all publications are included in the analysis
- initial release of the first version of